Libraries as Community Hub
Project Brief
Project Overview
Research, Design
Project Goals
Due to the fact that people are struggling to find the resources they need for their professional goals, we have to find a way to make a better connection between libraries, users, and resources through technology. Taking advantage of library services is one way to help people feel supported in their community.
Users and audience
We conducted remote interviews with targeted users who are over 22. They are either entering the workforce or contemplating a career change. Based on our research, we found some common goals among our target audience.
- Need an up-to-date and easy way to access resources and events nearby.
- Want all resources in one place so they can access it on the go anytime.
- Need a way to enhance their career.
SME Interview
What is the biggest problem, in your opinion, that you think we should be trying to solve with this project?
Libraries, in this technology driven world, are being overshadowed by the media industry leaders. It is often times hard to compete with industries that have an advertising budget. We want our patrons to know that we are more than a place for them to borrow books – we help our communities get back on their feet when times are tough, we help the homeless find a safe place to rest, and we help enrich the lives of our community.
Emily T.
Sanjose Public Librarian-14 years
What we decided to solve for
The busy professional with a strenuous job needs easy and fast access to updated resources, events, and educational programs to boost their career so that they can stay informed of emerging trends and stay engaged within their community.
User Persona
Mindy Wang is the primary persona who matches the project’s criteria. She is seeking training resources and workshops to advance in careers
Design Principles
We came up with five design principles that aim to create an effective and holistic solution. These principles are the guidance for us as we focus on designing a solution without unnecessary features.
Easy, fast & reliable
We turned sketches into paper prototypes as a way to gain the target audience’s insight about the concept of a library app which allows users to attend workshops and events at local libraries.
Screen Layout
Our solution of a platform that offered people services and resources from a community library right from their hands focused on the following features:
— The clickable prototype has a flow of onboarding
— Sign In/Sign Up,
— Filters for an event
— Register for an event
— add an event to Google Calendar.
User Testing Results
found the labeling is easy to understand
said that the “interest” screen displays a lot of information
were confused on the calendar icon functionality
found the app is visually appealing & easy to navigate
Lessons Learned
During this project, I really came to understand that the users’ needs, goals and motivations are the keys to making a user-centered solution that aims to be both satisfying and usable to people.